CENTRAL STUDENT GOVERNMENT 2021Congratulations to the newly elected Central Student Government Officers and both Supreme and School Council A.Y 2021-2022.

The Automated Election was held last June 28-August 2, 2021 and about 80% of the total student population exercised their right to suffrage and chose their leaders to represent them in the best of their interests.

The activity ended successfully through the collaborative efforts and support of the different talented individuals: Mr Adzmer S. Mawali, IT expert of Sulu State College, for his expertise in innovating the automated CSG Election, the active Dean of the OSAS, Mr Saurajan S. Darawi; the members of the Commission on Students Election, Mr. Warid Ibno, Mr. Jan Alih Sauradjan, Ms. Maileen Antao, and Mr. Rasmil T. Abdurasul, the adviser of the CSG, Ms. Fhadzra Aisha Sabdani, Mr. Aziz Asiral, Mr. Vennash Dela Cruz, and to all OSAS members for their active assistance, and the rest of the outgoing CSG Officers.

Of course this will not be possible without the support of the inspiration behind leadership no other than, President Prof. Charisma S. Ututalum, CESE and to our VPAA Prof. Jehana M. Darkis, EdD, ICPeP. Kudos everyone! New set of officers who will take the students to a different new normal. We are excited for this year!